Hi!, I am building a 1x3 LED screen (64x192 dots), and i need a youtube sub counter, i tried code from 4 years ago.
I have "362" Subs, the skin shows "15" as seen in the image.
I have "362" Subs, the skin shows "15" as seen in the image.
[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1[Variables][StatsSubs]Measure=PluginPlugin=WebParserURL=https://www.youtube.com/dasiunRegExp=(?siU)"header":.*"subscriberCountText":.*"[^"]*text":"([^"]*)"StringIndex=1UpdateRate=3600debug=2RegExpSubstitute=1Substitute=" .*$":""[Subscribers]Meter=StringMeasureName=StatsSubsStringAlign=LeftY=0X=0FontSize=37FontColor=55EE55AntiAlias=1
Statistics: Posted by dasiun — Yesterday, 8:28 pm — Replies 0 — Views 49