Hi - I have come back to tinkering with skins again, and I am trying to get my time block to flash at the top and bottom of the hour. My code is not working and I suppose it is some concept I am missing. I appreciate any guidance anyone can provide.
[TimeMinutesTest]Measure=TimeFormat=%M; UpdateDivider=60 means this measure only updates every 60 skin updates.; With Update=1000, the skin updates every second, so after 60 seconds, this measure updates once.UpdateDivider=60[OnMinuteCheck]Measure=CalcDynamicVariables=1; This formula returns 1 if top of the hour (minute=0), 2 if half-hour (minute=30), else 0.Formula=( ([TimeMinutesTest]=0 ? 1 : ([TimeMinutesTest]=30 ? 2 : 0)) )IfCondition=(OnMinuteCheck<>0)IfTrueAction=[!ShowMeter "HourFlash"][!Delay 500][!HideMeter "HourFlash"][HourFlash]DynamicVariables=1Meter=ShapeShape=Rectangle [MeterText1:X],[MeterText1:Y],([MeterText1:W]+[MeterText2:W]+[MeterText3:W]+28),[MeterText1:H] | Fill Color 255, 215, 0, 100Hidden=1
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